Thursday, June 25, 2015

New Idea for PK Experiments

The Coolest Way to Create Psychokinetic Events

  • Instead of attempting to influence a PRNG to have moderate/high overall strangeness, it may be easier to simply influence a PRNG to not have a moderate or high strange event.
  • Moderately strange events have a 1 in 20 chance of occurring aka they happen once every 20 seconds which is three times a minute.
  • It would be a cool experiment to try and prevent the PRNG from creating a moderately strange event, which would be essentially defying statistical probability.

How to Measure Success

  • If within one minute the strangeness detector has no moderately strange events then that experiment receives an A ranking and earns three points.
  • If within one minute the strangeness detector has one moderately strange events then that experiment receives a B ranking and earns two points.
  • If within one minute the strangeness detector has two moderately strange events then that experiment receives a C ranking and earns one point.
  • If within one minute the strangeness detector has three moderately strange events then that experiment receives a D ranking and earns zero points.
  • If within one minute the strangeness detector has more than three moderately strange events then that experiment receives an F ranking and subtracts points for each moderately strange event that occurs.

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