Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Dice Experiment 2 (35%)

Experiment Number


Number of Dice Rolled


Total Sum of Dice Rolled

  1. 6
  2. 6
  3. 5
  4. 1
  5. 6
  6. 4
  7. 1
  8. 1
  9. 5
  10. 3
  • 12+6
  • 10+2
  • 5+3
  • 18+12
  • 30+7
Total = 37

Average of Dice Rolled

37/10= 3.7

Expected Average of Dice Rolled


Average of Dice Rolled - Expected Average of Dice Rolled


Name of Psychic Test Subject

Nicholas Benson

If the Average of Dice Rolled did not equal 3.5, why do you believe that is the case?

Experiment 2 is even closer to the expected average than the first experiment. If these variances are indicative of a correlation the effect size of the correlation is rather small.


Average from Experiment 1 = 4
Average from Experiment 2 = 3.7

Sum of Averages = 7.7

Average of Sum of Averages = 3.85

Average of Sum of Averages Subtracted from the Expected Average= -.35

Current Possible Correlation Across All Experiments = .35 or -.35

Current Possible Correlation Across All Experiments As a Percent = 35%

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