Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Analysis Jul 1 2015


Average should not equal the Average Expectation aka The Average Number of Moderately Strange Events per Experiment.

What is the Average Number of Moderately Strange Events per Experiment?


How many experiments were there?


How to Measure Goal

Total sum of all moderately strange events across all twenty trials / 20 should give us our result.

Failure Condition

The result is equal to three.

Success Condition

The result does not equal three.

What is the total sum of moderately strange events that occurred?

Total Sum of the number of Moderately Strange Events in Ten Runs #1
0+0+4+1+1+1+2+2+2+3= 16

Total Sum of the number of Moderately Strange Events in Ten Runs #2
0+0+1+1+2+2+2+4+3+3= 20

Total Sum of the number of Moderately Strange Events in Both Ten Runs #1 and #2

What is the result of Total sum of all moderately strange events across all twenty trials / 20?

36/20= 1.8

What does this mean?

1.8 which rounds to about 2 is not the average expectation that was predicted for these experiments.

The predicted average expectation for these experiments was 3.

Our experiments do not match the chance expectation of 3 moderately strange events per minute which is the average expectation, therefore they do not agree with previously made predictions about the data.

The goal of these experiments was to attempt to find a correlation between our activities and divergences from average expectation in the strangeness detector.

This re-assurance that the result is 1.8 and not 3 shows that this experiment is not exactly in line with chance expectations.

Now the only question is...why?

What is the true correlation between this deviation from average expectation and our activities?

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